A new financial mindset
A letter to paid members about the thinking behind changing my financial mindset and the actions I've taken since.
A letter to paid members about the thinking behind changing my financial mindset and the actions I've taken since.
Why I chose the word and what I'm hoping to do this year.
A letter to paid subscribers summarizing my thoughts about the year and the winter break.
In my business and personal life, a look at the good and bad, plus highlights from the year.
For paid subscribers, a look at my attempt at time-blocking.
Dogs, plants, cozy things, and some work items.
For paid subscribers, some thoughts on what future tanjennts will be like and how I can prioritize joy.
Not to be confused with a budget that is thriving, if you’re going to anthropomorphize budgets
A letter to paid subscribers.
Being heard vs feeling heard I want to give a little insight into where my head is at right now. Normally, these meandering thoughts would be sent to paid subscribers, but I figured why not share with everyone. This current season's theme of "New Directions" is
For paid subscribers, photos from my trip to Mexico.
A nugget of wisdom from my therapist.
📸 Photo Essays
Same, but not. The buildings in my neighborhood.
An essay on some changes I've made in my life.
S2: New Directions
A letter to paid subscribers about my thoughts on "balance."
When change is needed and necessary, red flags appear. An essay reflecting on this.
S2: New Directions
For paid subscribers, bonus interview quotes from my interviewees about their careers post-coffee industry.
What are the transferrable skills that coffee people carry over when they leave the industry?
S2: New Directions
Bonus interview content and commentary for paid subscribers
Before coffee: what three people learned from their previous jobs and industries that carried into their new one.
S2: New Directions
An essay for paid subscribers on finding good professional development resources.
This path is much narrower, with tree branches reaching across. Or, it’s not a path at all, at least not when you first go in that direction. With every step you take, you pave it a little more for someone behind you.
📸 Photo Essays
For paid subscribers, photos from a walk and a letter update.
Welcome to my brain. Behind-the-scenes look at planning my season 2. For paid subscribers.