Instagram ads vs Facebook ads
And a feature in Ask the Sprofessionals—Part Two: Review Don’ts

I celebrated my birthday over the weekend with a lot of virtual check-ins/party and an in-person pie. It was strange to mark a milestone without my favorite people around me. However, it went far better than I could’ve hoped for and for that, I’m thankful.
Here are some quick tips for businesses:
- If you’ve got a coffee company open now, add it to Sprudge Maps
- If you have a Google business profile, add donation and gift card links and curbside pickup if available
- If you have an Instagram business account (which I definitely recommend switching to), you can use the food delivery & gift card story stickers. And, others will be able to use the “support small business” sticker

Featuring my own work & press

Instagram Ads vs Facebook Ads: Which Works for Your Brand?
[BYLINE] Should you be focusing your paid advertising efforts on Instagram, Facebook or both? Learn more about the advantages of each platform.
[NOTE] I receive this question often enough so I hope this guide helps you with figuring out which would be better for you.
Ask the Sprofessionals—Part Two: Review Don’ts
[INTERVIEWED] In this series, industry experts sound off on issues around café policy, breaking down the ins and outs of how rules and systems affect retention. • Share

Quick text updates & links on what's new on the networks
Instagram added new control features, including deleting comments in bulk, pinning comments, and choosing who can tag and mention you. This is under the guise of bullying control but will also be very useful for active business accounts. It also added: new support small business sticker (same with Facebook), learning algorithm with its camera to fit your preferences, and new font types. It’s testing: different ways to switch between stories.
Facebook added better control over its ad placement tools. It published a study on evolving video watching habits.
Twitter added the ability for iOS users to see all retweets with comments in one place.
LinkedIn added virtual events for pages. There is a small but dedicated corner of the coffee community on LinkedIn.

Helpful links on how to improve your digital marketing

5 Ways Restaurants Can Use Facebook Ads During COVID-19
Restaurants are facing unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, but search volume suggests that audiences are online. Here are five tips for using Facebook as a tool to engage with and grow your community during the pandemic, including targeting your local community, adjusting your messaging, and more.
12 TikTok Challenges to Inspire Your Next Campaign
Ready to tap into the viral growth of TikTok challenges? Read this post to learn how TikTok challenges work and how you can use them for your brand.
How to Increase Conversion Rates With Web Analytics
In this short guide, find out how to improve your conversion rates by paying attention to the right metrics from your web analytics. • Share

Anything I've enjoyed reading recently

Quarantine Fatigue Is Real. Shaming People Won't Help.
Instead of an all-or-nothing approach to risk prevention, Americans need a manual on how to have a life in a pandemic.
and how media mimics the market.
[long read but worth it] • Share
ZORA Presents: The Burnout Effect
The Burnout Effect is a collection of stories that center on the pressures - and peace - of productivity and performance for our current times.
“We are not one-woman factories nor are we theater for others. We’re human.”

An update from my container garden!

I purchased this beautiful Calathea Makayana as a birthday gift for myself last week. The undersides are purple & my fingers are crossed that I can keep this alive.

I’m doing free 15-min brainstorming session consults for coffee businesses/organizations affected by COVID-19!
What'd you think?
Feedback, questions, or fist bumps 👊 – send them my way by hitting the reply button. Also happy with the 👍 at the end. Or find me on the social networks @thejennchen.
By Jenn Chen
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💭 Thoughts on digital marketing as they intersect at specialty coffee, social media, writing, photography & social issues.
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