How do you define success?
+ a guide to content ideation

I themed the digital strategy section around holiday promotions, as this is the time for planning. In the US, shipping companies have already been overwhelmed so getting ahead of those deadlines is more important than ever.
Here are some other things:
- Baratza is hiring a social media specialist
- Plan ahead for the US election week: imagine a few scenarios on election results and take into account employee mental health, customer reactions, and social media discussions (posting usual content may not be wise).
Today’s Thoughts section touches on marketing but is one of those topics I felt like writing a short essay on. They’re internal musings and they happen every so often in my newsletter. I hope you enjoy it.

How do you define success?
I’ve been watching “Emily in Paris” on Netflix and there was a line that stood out to me: “You live to work, we work to live,” a French person told Emily, his American colleague. Whether it’s success in your career or your life, we’re all influenced by where we grew up, our culture, and the influences of the people you surround yourself with.
I used to think work success meant working at the same company for decades, slowly moving up that corporate ladder, and then retiring with some sort of retirement fund. It’s what my dad does, what American culture dictates, what I saw demonstrated on the TV screen. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as it is what you want to do.
For me, I had to redefine success. Once the basic needs were met (rent, having a place to live, etc.), I was able to stretch my dreams. Some people want to make just enough money to get by and live the life that they want. Others want all the material things.
Success to me in work money is being able to make enough to sustain the basic needs and also enjoy interests/hobbies like traveling, trying out restaurants, and gardening. Business success does NOT include expanding my business to an agency, hiring employees, or making millions of dollars.
Success to me in work specifically is constantly evolving. I want to make an impact on the current industry I’m in, cultivate and earn some sort of respect through my work, give back to the communities that have supported me, and mostly enjoy whatever it is I am working on.
As a business or as someone looking at their career, I hope someone has told you that it’s ok to be where you’re at. Maybe where you’re at right now is making you happy. Maybe having one location is perfect. Not every marketing campaign has to drive sales. Success could be defined as increased brand exposure or engagement or positive sentiment. Success could also be that you were able to execute everything in the campaign you had planned.
The American work mentality is absolutely work all of the hours all of the time and then you can rest during retirement. I do think people can get into a rut but that’s the perfect time to redefine success. How much of your definition of success involves your work and how much of that dictates your life?
A Guide to Content Ideation & Development
[BYLINE] Generating new content ideas constantly can be overwhelming. This guide helps with your content ideation and development roadblocks.

Quick text updates & links on what's new on the networks
Twitter has made several changes in advance of the US election: when you try to retweet, it’ll show a quote tweet first; recommendations in the timeline will be turned off; misleading tweets will be labeled and hidden behind a warning. The network is testing: a new prompt that asks if you want to hide potentially offensive replies before you even tweet, Birdwatch- a way to attach notes to tweets- giving them context or having users be able to flag/explain misinformation, and ability to crop image previews before posting.
Instagram added shopping to IGTV and will be testing it in Reels. The network turned 10 years old (wow) and added: Story maps, a choice of app icon designs for your iOS screen, It’s testing a feature that will automatically hide comments that are similar to those that have already been reported offensive.
Facebook expanded the brand collabs manager to include public groups (admins can now work with brands for promotions). In Groups, it also added several features like topics, community management certificates, and more.

Helpful links on how to improve your digital marketing

How to Plan a Month-long Black Friday Campaign on Social Media
We walk you through every stage of planning and executing a Black Friday campaign, from setting goals to developing a creative concept, and more!
2020 Holiday Advertising: 8 Secrets to Success (and Sales)
This post provides eight fundamental best practices to pay special attention to during your holiday advertising this year. You’ll learn how to use product feeds, page speed improvements, real-life photos, and more to optimize for the anticipated online-focused holiday shopping experience in 2020.
What Does an Instagram Sales Funnel Look Like?
This guide will help you set up your Instagram account so that it seamlessly guides people towards making a purchase with your business.

Anything I've enjoyed reading recently

How Chains Like Chipotle Get a Pass on Appropriation
White-centered food narratives appear most often at fast-casual restaurants. It’s time to hold them accountable.
Restraint Is My Family’s Love Language
Author Diksha Basu explains how, in her family, they show their love by never mentioning that they love each other, even in a whisper. Now that the pandemic has separated them, their way of communicating love is more complicated than ever.
How to Host a Voter Drive with Your Coffee Company
Monorail Espresso shows coffee companies how hosting a voter drive can be a simple and effective way to be involved in the elections. • Share

An update from my container garden!

I picked up a Philodendron Birkin this weekend. It's too small for its signature striations but I'm happy to add it to my ever-growing philodendron collection.

At this time, I'm open to: one-time coaching session clients or future project work (2+ months).
What'd you think?
Feedback, questions, or fist bumps 👊 – send them my way by hitting the reply button. Also happy with the 👍 at the end. Or find me on the social networks @thejennchen.
This newsletter is free to subscribe to & takes several hours to put together each issue. If you’ve enjoyed or benefited from my work and would like to support me: donate to your local bail fund, forward to someone who would enjoy the newsletter, buy me a coffee, or Venmo/Cashapp/PayPal me @thejennchen.
By Jenn Chen
This newsletter has now moved to - please sign up there!
💭 Thoughts on digital marketing as they intersect at specialty coffee, social media, writing, photography & social issues.
📬 2x a month on Wednesdays
🔗 @thejennchen |
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