Imposter syndrome, writing anxiety
And my recent feature on biodynamic coffee farming

- I finally bought some soil over the weekend and repotted some plants that needed a repot two years ago. It was also my first time in months stepping into my local nursery and thank goodness I didn’t impulse buy everything.
- It was Zoey’s 2-year adoptiversary yesterday and we were able to make it out to her favorite place, Fort Funston. She happily rolled around in some dead birds and a stingray.
- If you haven’t already registered for The Barista League’s free conference High Density, you should do so soon. I’ll be present during my talk so you can chat with me live about it.

Imposter syndrome, writing anxiety
A few years ago, I wrote about imposter syndrome and I still remember the intense, paralyzing feelings of anxiety I had while attempting to write the piece. It was overwhelming.
While some would say that it was writer’s block, I would disagree. To me, writer’s block is when I can’t think of words to put down. Imposter syndrome, though, gave me both the mental and physical symptoms of anxiety. My brain kept asking why I was even qualified to write the piece. Why would anyone want to read it? How is it any different from all those other imposter syndrome pieces out there? There was no room left for me to think about anything else, let alone put words to paper.
I’ve kept a private journal since I was five. I started writing online 18 years ago with LiveJournal. I’ve always loved writing, but it was never presented as a career option for me. I don’t have formal training in writing and that was at the crux of my imposter syndrome.
I remember one of the first times I had received edits back on a piece. I opened the Google Doc and saw dozens of red marks and the sidebar filled with comments. This massive wave of anxiety washed over me, telling me they hated the piece. I immediately closed the file. Professional reputation is important to me, and I wouldn’t let imposter syndrome stop me from working on an article. I did, however, take a day to sit with all the anxious thoughts out in my head.
The next day, I held my breath and opened the file. There weren’t as many edits as I thought and the great majority of the comments were just that – comments. Positive ones, not edits.
This essay was about my writing imposter syndrome and anxiety, but writing is, of course, not the only area of my life that it impacts. I’ve found that my anxiety is much worse in anticipation of something than the actual doing of the thing. Whenever I write feature pieces, especially on topics I’m not familiar with, I still get imposter syndrome. But thankfully, it’s no longer as paralyzing as it was before.
Biodynamics: Exploring Mysticism In Coffee Farming
[BYLINE] Biodynamic practices are gaining traction in coffee farming.

Twitter launched a new bot to identify the “good” bots. It’s testing the downvote button (this is going to go well /s) and a new Articles feature (long-form posts).
Instagram added the ability to like a story, improved Live Stream discovery, added avatars, and added an activity dashboard for easier content management.

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I love a good cutting. This bloodleaf is from friends and like other cuttings and plants I've received from friends, I'm reminded of them whenever I see it.