How to get started on your content marketing strategy
It’s Halloween today and while I don’t really celebrate it, it sure has been scary & concerning to read about the political climate of the US, Brazil’s election results, and the Central American migrants who left their coffee farms behind. If you’re in the US & able to, please go vote next week.
On a personal aside, I’m on a 14-day streak of learning Spanish on Duolingo! :)
I hope you enjoy this issue.
– Jenn

How to get started on your content marketing strategy
[BYLINE] Do you know how to create the perfect content marketing strategy? Learn to identify your goals, organize your content types and plan a content schedule.

Usually this section is for brief updates per network. But given that not much has happened on the networks, I've put in 3 network-specific strategies instead.
How to Create the Perfect Instagram Ad in 10 Minutes
Understand the essential elements of an awesome Instagram ad and learn how to put one together in the same amount of time as a coffee break.
How to Use the Facebook Split Testing Feature to Identify Your Most Profitable Audiences
Discover how to split test cold, warm, and hot audiences, and reveal which ones deliver the best results for your Facebook ad campaigns.
How to use Facebook & Twitter ad transparency tools
Free & accessible to you, these tools can help you check out what your competitors are doing.

9 Effective Marketing Ideas That Don’t Include Blogging
[PODCAST + TRANSCRIPT] If you try to do everything with your marketing strategy you end up doing next to nothing. Focus is key when developing new marketing ideas and exploring opportunities. Here’s how to focus.
A Primer to Boost Your Content's Readability
Use this step-by-step guide to improve your content’s readability and make it easier for the audience to consume your content.
Social Media for Small Businesses: Why Cross-Channel Engagement is Vital
Cross-channel engagement helps your customers along their journey more efficiently, prevents wasted ad dollars, and creates more opportunities. Here’s how.

The unseen driver behind the migrant caravan: climate change
“Coffee used to be worth something, but it’s been seven years since there was a decent price,” he said.
Lara said he thought that changing weather patterns had a lot to do with the problem, though he also blamed his plight on greedy bosses and coffee dealers. “I didn’t leave my country because I wanted to. I left because I had to,” he said.
In Japan, the Kit Kat Isn’t Just a Chocolate. It’s an Obsession.
The story of how Kit Kats, once a British chocolate export, became a booming business from Hokkaido to Tokyo — and changed expectations about what a candy bar could be.
Diversity and inclusion in tech: A getting started guide
Lots and lots of actionable ideas here.