Basics of social media monitoring

Why Brands Need a Social Media Monitoring Strategy

Basics of social media monitoring

Basics of social media monitoring

By Jenn Chen • Issue #95 • View online

It’s funny how things change so quickly. Two weeks ago, I was talking about grace. And this week, I’m in my first few days of new dog parenthood (scroll for pic!). And because of this new role I’m undertaking, I’m…pretty tired. Which is why this issue has a short blurb that accompanies a longer article I’ve already written for Sprout.

If you have the resources this month, please consider ordering from and/or eating at your local Chinese restaurants. Due to coronavirus misinformation & xenophobia, Chinatowns and Chinese restaurants are losing tons of business.

Featuring my own work & press

Coffee business ideas for social media monitoring

This piece accompanies my longer piece on Sprout about social media monitoring. If you keep an eye on your mentions and DMs, then you are already practicing social media monitoring.

The intermediate level of monitoring is keeping an eye on things that your native platforms don’t already have built-in notifications for. These include: company product mentions, direct competitor alerts, and campaign hashtags.

I think one of the biggest social media mistakes that coffee companies make is not tracking these types of mentions. If you only respond to your @mentions on Twitter and none of the tweets that include but don’t tag you, then you’re missing a bunch of online chatter. An easy way to resolve this is to set up saved searches in Twitter of your brand, common misspellings, and general product names. If your audience is active, you might find more tweets and points of discussion that way.

To keep an eye on your competitors on Instagram, start a new account and follow them from there. Set up alerts so you know what’s happening whenever they post. Even if you don’t want to receive all these alerts, having this other account can still prove useful for competitor research.

For hashtags, you want to definitely be following ones related to your brand – named & peripheral. For example: your branded hashtags, common misspellings, popular industry hashtags, and any campaign hashtags you might’ve created.

These are just three basic ideas for social media listening. There are plenty more ideas out there and if you read through the article I wrote below, I give a more exhaustive list to track.

Why Brands Need a Social Media Monitoring Strategy

Why Brands Need a Social Media Monitoring Strategy

[BYLINE] These benefits to social media monitoring are critical to know if your brand wants to improve engagement, track conversations and benchmark efforts.  •  Share

Quick text updates & links on what's new on the networks

Quick text updates & links on what's new on the networks

Facebook is testing moderator activity insights. The company published a whitepaper on standardized online content regulation. It also released a new report on how consumers interact with beverage content online.

Twitter recently purchased Chroma Labs, which is an app for Stories content (templates & frames). This move is making people think that Twitter is working on its own version of Stories.

Instagram released: two new following categories to help you clean up that list. It'ss testing a Latest Posts feature, video trimming in Stories, and IGTV monetization for creators.

The FTC announced that it’s reviewing new regulations and disclosures for influencer marketing.

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If you'd like to work together on writing, photography, or marketing consulting, click through above.